Friday 9 May 2014

End of the wolves

With the show finally finished and the wolves finally over I can't help but think I've grown a lot as an actor because this was the longest show I've every done, before this my longest show was 40 minutes long. Also I know what it's like to create a character properly now because I made the character James come alive. One thing I learnt was that making a character is not easy, it takes time and research before you can truly portray a character. There was still a lot of room for improvement where my characterisation was at but I still thought it was good. I particularly liked what Beth did with 'Miss Slighcarp' she completely changed herself for the character; she changed her posture, her hair, her accent and the way she looked. She made Miss Slighcarp a believe villain and definitely made the performance a whole lot more to enjoy. 

We performed two shows. The first was for parents and family or whoever you would like to invite to see the show and then the second was a matinee that was for other students to see. I think the second show went better for me because I was much less nervous than the first and it seem to flow more smoothly, I felt like James more on the second show than I did the first. Still both shows went really well everyone stayed in character and was focused the entire way through and really told a good story. One thing that went well and made me smile was that the stage gun actually went of multiple times because in rehearsals in took a lot to try and get it to shoot once and then on both shows it shot multiple times. Another good thing was the props that people used they were interacted with properly and used to as much as they can be for e.g. there was a blanket that stayed on stage and that was used 3 times in 3 different scenes; even things like bags were used when people was travelling and by doing this it help bring a scene to life.   

There were still a few minor errors during the performance like at one point there was a moment of silence were someone forgot there lines, all you can do to avoid that is make sure you know all your lines and read the thoroughly. Some people also forgot to be in choruses and this could be avoided by staying focused on stage a knowing were you've got to be at all times. There was not really much technical issues apart from some lights being a bit slow to come on when people were speaking, the best way to avoid any technical issues would be to have a few technical rehearsals and go over were sound effects and lights should be at certain points in the show.  

My final thought is that the wolves has definitely been a learning experience and was a very fun and successful show; it's good to have finally finished it because it's good to move on and get to new things and challenge yourself as an actor.      

1 comment:

  1. You mention here that it takes time and research to create a character, but there is no evidence of your research into this play. You did a lot of work on your character, and you did well, but you do not record any of your character development in your blog.
    You evaluate the performances here, but fairly superficially. You note some of the positives and negatives without elaborating too much.

    Your blog does not go near enough to record the full process we went through creating this play. There is no evidence of research or an understanding of themes. You do not reflect the character development you went through. It is clear that you are capable of insight, and in future blogs you need to put a lot more effort into recording and exploring the work that is being carried out. You started really well at the beginning, but did not keep up the habit of writing your blog every session, or at least every week.
